User's Manual

Click Read button , the software will get all parameters from the RF4200 board
that connects to the PC. On the left side of the software, each parameter data could
be changed. After changed, click Save button to save the new data. If the data
are not well changed, then click Reset button to resume factory setting.
Figure 3-2
五个档位分别代表主板从低到高的五个灵敏度档次(如图 3-2 所示)选择对应
档位,然后点击 (Save)按钮进行保存,可对主板的灵敏度进行快速设置。灵敏度
The above 1 2 3 4 5 five buttons are the sensitivity levels of the board. Select and
click Save button to set the board quickly and simply. The higher the number
selected, the wider the detection will be, but the lower the anti-interference capability
will be.
2.4 参数说明
2.4 Parameters Descriptions
Figure 4-1