User's Manual

The peak (Figure6-3) value must be inside range_1 or range 2
Figure 6-4
信号的 snr 数值(如图 6-4 所示),必须在 range_1 或者 range_2 范围内。
The snr value (Figure6-4) must be inside range_1 or range_2.
Peak pos max - Peak pos min
Figure 6-5
信号的 peak pos max peak pos min 的差值,必须小于 peak pos gated
参数设定的值(如图 6-5 所示)。在上面一组报警数据日志中,只有前 3 条记录的
Peak pos max - Peak pos min 差值有效,其余可忽略,不作为误报判断依据。
The difference between the peak pos. max and the peak pos. min of the signal
must be less than the value set at the peak pos gated(Figure6-5). In the above group
of alarm data log, only the first 3 records of the peak pos max - peak pos min difference
is effective, so the rest can be ignored, not as the judge of false alarm.
上面,我们介绍了通过观察报警日志中的 peak 数值来设置参数,从而屏蔽误报
peak 数值比较分散、范围较大,无法通过设置参数来屏蔽,那么我们也可以观察snr
Peak pos max - Peak pos min 的数值,看是否在某一个小范围内,则也同样可以
Above, we introduce the method of setting up parameters by observing the peak
value in the alarm data log, thus shielding false false alarms. But because the signal
must be conformed to three characteristics at the same time, then it would be finally
identified as a true tag signal. So if the peak value of the signal is more scattered, larger,