User Instructions

[ESC] Cancel or exit key
In operating systems and applications, this key is often used to exit an operation or
a command being executed
[F1] ~ [F12] Function key
In a computer system, the functions of these keys are defined by the operating
system or applications. If you press the [F1] key, you will often get help information.
[Print Screen] Screen hard copy key
When the printer is online, press this key to output the computer screen through
the printer.
[Scroll Lock] screen Scroll Lock key, which has been disabled.
[Pause] or [Break] Pause key
Press this key to temporarily stop the command or application program being
executed by the computer until you press any key on the keyboard to continue. In
addition, press [Ctrl]+[Break] key to interrupt the execution of the command or the
running of the program.
(3) Edit the key area
The name of the Keys
Main Functions
[Insert] or [Ins] Insert character on key