User's Manual

Page 71
card, is the password to activate SIM card.
PIN2 Personal Identification Number 2, provided by the
network provider for certain SIM card features
PUK Personal Unblocking Keyprovided with the SIM
card. It is used to unlock the SIM card if you have
entered 3 incorrect PIN code or to modify your PIN
PUK2 Personal Unblocking Key 2provided with the SIM
card, is used to modify or unlock the PIN 2 code.
IMEI International Mobile Equipment Identityconsisted
of 15 numbersis unique for each mobile
MCC Mobile Country Code, for example: China
(Mainland) is 460
MNC Mobile Network Code, for example:
China Mobile is 00 and China Unicom is 01.
Call waiting Calling waiting is a network service, which