User's Manual

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Start-up Technical Manual
54 - 06/2016 Kaba Remote Reader 91 15-AM (US/
6.2 Issue Write/Read Authorization (Launch)
(LEGIC only)
A write/read authorization is required in the following cases:
If the Remotereader needs to write on a write-protected segment of a medium,
e.g. in the case of CardLink applications, validate write-protected CardLink seg-
If the Remotereader needs to read a read-protected segment of a medium
In this chapter, the term "Write authorization" will be used for the terms "Write au-
thorization" and "Read authorization".
Write authorization with a LEGIC prime SAM 63 card is only valid for LEGIC prime.
Write authorization with a LEGIC advant SAM 63 card is only valid for LEGIC prime
and LEGIC advant 15693 and 14443A.
In this chapter, the designation "Security card C2" will be used for the card designa-
tions "SAM 63" and "Security card C2 (SC-C2)".
The signaling is carried via the registration unit on which the card is presented.
For the write authorization, a security card C2 with corresponding segment area
is required.
ISO standard 14443A must have been activated using security card C2.
The ISO standard of the SAM 63 card must match the parameterized ISO stan-
The Remotereader should be in regular operation and waiting for an RFID entry.
1. Present the security card C2 to the connected registration unit without interrup-
tion (approx. 15s).
ð The Registration unit illuminates green during the process.
ð Signaling after successful write authorization: 3x beeps
If the Remotereader has previously been granted write authorization using
the same security card C2, this will be signaled immediately by 3x beeps
ð No signaling: Write authorization has not been granted.
Possible reasons
- The security card C2 card was removed from the RFID field too early
- ISO 14443A is not activated in the system
- If SAM+ media are being used: No credit is available
2. Remove the security card C2 from the field.
6.3 Cancel Write/Read Authorization
(Only for LEGIC Compact Reader)
The write/read authorization needs to be canceled in the following cases:
If the Remotereader no longer needs to write on write-protected segments of a