User's Manual

Manual Configuration
Buzzer Configuration
Configure the buzzer (the acoustic signal) for valid and invalid transactions. The field
value consists of 6 comma-separated parts, the first 3 for valid transactions the
second 3 for invalid transactions, each in the format Retries,TimeOn (1/10 sec),
TimeOFF(1/10 sec).
Example: 1,3,1,3,1,1 means 1 buzzer retry for 300ms on and 100ms off for valid
punches, 3 buzzer retries for 100ms on and 100ms off.
Buzzer Exclude List
Reader list for a special buzzer configuration. The field value consists of the channel
ID with reader ID for the designated reader(s), like 00000101 for channel 0 reader 0
and channel 1 reader 1.
Buzzer Configuration Exclude List
Buzzer configuration for the reader(s) in the exclude list.
For the field value see Buzzer Configuration above.
Default Internal. The internal Hub supports one channel and two Readers on that
Event Mode
The Reader Events can be worked from a native Library Functionality. This is
necessary if you have a lot of readers because of performance issues.
If you have at most 2 readers connected the Reader Events can be worked by the
application.xml procedure.
Event Mechanism
The Library Mode supports two mechanisms:
Asynchronous work of Reader events and Synchronous work of reader Events.
The asynchronous mode is to support best performance. Recommended is
Synchronous mode!
Accept Without Schedule
For users that are found in the access.xml (validation file for punch permission check)
but not in the schedules.xml file (validation file for punch permission per date and
time), this parameter decides whether punches are valid (setting YES) or invalid
(setting NO).
Validation Debug
To see more details during the validation of tables leading to valid or invalid
punches, set this parameter to YES. It is recommended to set it back to NO as soon as
Relay Test
The optional RS485 module for the internal USB hub also provides a relay which can
be tested here. By choosing Yes and pressing Save the relay contacts are opened for
three seconds.
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