User's Guide

dormakaba USA Inc. System User Guide 7040.0320 | 39
3.12.2 Critical Low Battery Warning Critical Low Battery Warning Display Keypad
When using a Keypad with a Display screen, on wake-up key press, the Keypad will emit 3 high beeps and 3 green LED flashes
followed by 3 low beeps and 3 red LED flashes. Critical Low Battery will appear on screen with a critical low battery indicator if
enough power remains. The System will not respond to any other commands until the battery is replaced. Critical Low Battery Warning Non-Display Keypad
When using a Keypad without a Display screen, on wake-up key press, the Keypad will emit 3 high beeps and 3 green LED flashes
followed by 3 low beeps and 3 red LED flashes. The System will not respond to any other commands until the battery is replaced.
3.12.3 Replacing Batteries in Critical Low Battery State
When in Critical Low battery state, and the batteries are within the secure container, the system must do a restart when a battery
(or batteries) is applied to the Keypad. The restart can be forced by pressing the # key when the new battery is applied to the
Keypad. The safe should be opened and the inside batteries replaced.
3.13 Wrong Try Penalty
The Wrong Try Penalty occurs when a User inputs a credential incorrectly 4 times in a row. The penalty period is for 5 minutes,
within that time no safe lock connected to the Keypad will open. All menu access and command inputs on the Keypad will also be
locked for 5 minutes. Once the 5-minute penalty is over, 2 consecutive incorrect credential inputs will initiate another 5-minute
penalty. Wrong Try Penalties do not apply to the Time Delay Override with Fob user.
For entries with display menus, the time will count down on the screen.
For non-display entries, 2 short low buzzes and 2 short red LED blinks will signify the penalty is still in effect.
Note: If power is interrupted to the Keypad during a Wrong Try Penalty, the time left will resume where it was when power is re-
3.14 View Audits (Display Only)
Note: This function is not UL evaluated.
Audits can be viewed on Entries equipped with a display. The Keypad will display Audit data, showing a code for the action that
occurred, the date and time when the action occurred and the ID of the User who performed the action. A User must have Audit
Privileges enabled to view this data. The Master User automatically possesses Audit Privileges. A maximum of the latest 50 audits
can be viewed on the Keypad display.
Follow these steps to view Audits on screen:
1. Navigate through the Main Menu and select Audits.
2. If using a multi-lock System, select the corresponding lock number on the keypad. Otherwise, skip to the next step.
3. Navigate through each Audit transaction with the Arrow buttons on the keypad.
To view the codes defined for each audit, please refer to Appendix B.
To retrieve Audits from a safe lock to the LA GARD Software client, refer to section 5.4 Retrieving Audits later in this document.