Technical data

Common Questions and Answers
Q – Why hasn’t the mobile phone been supplied with a SIM
AMany people already have a mobile phone and wish to
transfer their card over to the new phone. This has the
advantage of keeping the same telephone number and if the
card is subscribed to a Pay-as-you-go service then you also
benet from being able to carry over any credit that has been
paid the card.
Q – Where can I get a SIM card from?
AAny high street mobile phone shop will be able to provide you
with a SIM card. Some of the major supermarket chains also
provide mobile phone services and can supply a SIM card.
A useful tip when choosing a SIM card / service provider
however is to make sure that you have adequate signal
coverage at home.
Q – Why doesn’t the Doro mobile phone have a telephone
AThe telephone number is supplied by the service provider and
will be registered onto the SIM card.
Q – Can I use the SIM card from my old mobile phone?
AYes as long as the SIM card is less than three years old you
can transfer the card over. Some old SIM cards however are
not compatible with the Doro mobile phone as they are from
an earlier generation of SIM card design.
Q – Can I use a SIM card from any mobile phone company?
AYes. The Doro mobile phone is what is termed as an open
SIM card phone and so it is not restricted to any particular
service provider or mobile phone company.