D2 Series Product Instructions

Installing Camera Bracket
Toshiba WB21A
2. Do this by aligning the four holes on the D2
camera bracket with the Toshiba ceiling bracket
adapter. Use (4) m3-.5 ½” long screws, (4) m3
external lock washer, (4) m3 1/8" washers, and
(4) m3 lock nuts that are included to secure the
toshiba ceiling adapter to the D2 camera bracket.
Required components (see component
checklist): Part # 1,2,3,4,5,6,14,15,16,& 17
This edge nests in arch at front of D2
This edge of the bracket faces back of the D2 enclosure
Align these 4 holes with the D2
bracket holes for the Toshiba WB21A
4. The Toshiba WB21A PTZ camera requires a
2.75" spacing for optimal fit and operation. Use
(1) 1.5" standoff, (1) .75" standoff, and (1) .5"
standoffs that are provided to create a 2.75"
standoff. You will need to create 4 of these with
the included hardware.
1. To install the Toshiba WB21A in the D2
Enclosure we must first install the Toshiba
WB21A ceiling bracket adapter that came with
the camera onto the D2 camera mounting plate.
Toshiba WB21A Ceiling bracket that came with the camera.
*This is a required item for installation*
3. Next follow the Toshiba WB21A installation
instruction to secure the camera to the ceiling
bracket adapter that is now attached to the D2
Camera Bracket.