Project Ideas

Health Power
Summer squash adds similar nutrients as winter squash but in smaller
amounts. See Squash (Winter) for health benefits.
Vitamin and Mineral Content
Vitamins – C, A, B9 (Folate), K, B6 (Pyridoxine), B1 (Thiamin), B3 (Niacin)
and B2 (Riboflavin)
Minerals – Manganese, Magnesium, Potassium, Copper, Phosphorus,
Calcium, Zinc and Iron
Disease Prevention
See Squash (Winter)
How to Grow
Common Summer Squash (zucchini, crookneck and straight neck squash and
scallop squash). Thrives in warmer weather. Take about 2 months to ripen. All
prefer rich soil in full sun with plenty of organic matter and great drainage. Dig
in a generous amount of well-aged compost, manure or planting mix. The pH
should be near 6. In mid-spring, sow seeds indoors in 3-inch pots, two seeds to
a pot. Sow on a windowsill, under fluorescent light or on a sun porch. Keep soil
moist. Thin out seedlings if needed to provide room for the strongest seedling.
Plant bush types in late spring 3 feet apart in rows 5 feet apart. Plant vining
cultivars 3 feet apart in rows 8 feet apart. Sow directly outdoors in mid- to late
spring when soil temperatures rise to a minimum of 65˚F. Create small hills
3 feet apart, with amended soil. Sow seeds 6 per hill. Keep them watered, and
thin out to the two best seedlings per hill. Mulch around the seedlings with
straw, hay or leaves when the vines are longer and stronger. Fertilize every few
weeks, especially after fruits set, with a nutrient-rich fertilizer like compost
tea, manure tea or liquid seaweed extract. Summer squash should be nice and
plump by late summer. If the ground is always moist at this time, raise them
off the ground on bricks or blocks. Harvest summer squash before it matures,
and it will continue to set buds. Take care to harvest during a dry time, using a
sharp knife you wash between each cut to prevent spreading disease. Cure by
letting them dry in the sun until the stems wither. Store in a cool, shaded area.
Insect Control
Slugs, aphids, vine borers and squash bugs are common pests for squash.
Embed a cup of beer in the soil. Slugs and snails are attracted to the cup, crawl
in and drown. Plant French marigolds to attract predators of aphids (hover
flies and ladybugs) who eat them by the thousands. Or spray aphids
off the leaves with a firm stream of water. Avoid this on smaller
seedlings. Vine borers are about 1 inch long, look like caterpillars and
eat their way into the base of plants leaving behind a sticky sawdust
substance. Watch for this sawdust, and cut into stems to remove
them or insert Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis) into the stem. Dig dirt up to
the stem wound so it can again lay down roots. Watch for the orange
and black wasp-like moth in late June when it lays its eggs at the base.
They are tiny and reddish orange. If you find them, destroy them and dust
or spray with an organic insecticide. Marigolds also help deter squash bugs.
They are ¾ inches long and gray brown. They lay their red-brown eggs on the
underside of leaves. Handpick them and scan for eggs. Dispose of the pest and
eggs when you see them.
To avoid disease, water soil not foliage. Keep beds weed free. To ensure
fertilization, use a paintbrush to transfer pollen from the male stamen to the
female pistil.
Health Power
Research is limited, though some phytonutrients found in winter squash
have been linked with anti-cancer properties in studies of other plants.
Winter squash is a good source of all the vitamins and minerals listed. More
nutrient-dense than its cousin, the summer squash. Most notable in one
serving of winter squash are vitamins A (more than 100 percent RDA) and
C (more than 30 percent RDA). These vitamins team up for many functions.
They support the immune response of white blood cells toward pathogens.
They act as antioxidants in water soluble areas of the body, protecting cells
from free radical damage. Some major antioxidant actions help prevent
the buildup of plaque in blood vessels, reduce inflammation and help
prevent damage to cells in the eye. Winter squash gives potassium, key
to maintaining normal blood pressure, nerve cell transmission and
muscle contraction. High fiber content supports digestion, removes
excess cholesterol and helps regulate blood sugar. Pregnant women
need the B vitamin folate for normal fetal neural development. Also
contributes to heart health by preventing homocysteine, an amino acid
that in high concentrations causes blood vessel stiffening. With other
B vitamins, squash helps make energy through the metabolism of lipids,
carbohydrates and proteins.
Vitamin and Mineral Content
Vitamins – A, C, B9 (Folate), B1 (Thiamin), B6 (Pyridoxine), B3 (Niacin)
and B5 (Pantothenic acid)
Minerals – Potassium, Manganese, Copper, Iron and Magnesium
Disease Prevention
May reduce risk and symptoms of benign prostate hypertrophy (BPH),
atherosclerosis, diabetic heart disease, heart attack, stroke, colon cancer
(potentially others), asthma, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
How to Grow
Common Winter Squash (butternut, acorn, delicious Hubbard, banana, buttercup
and spaghetti squash). Thrives in warmer weather. Winter vining cultivars may
grow 10-20 feet long and require generous space. Winter squash takes 3-4 months
to mature. Prefers rich soil in full sun with plenty of organic matter and great
drainage. Dig in a generous amount of well-aged compost, manure or planting
mix. The pH should be near 6. In mid-spring, sow seeds indoors in 3-inch pots,
two seeds to a pot. Sow on a windowsill, under fluorescent light or on a sun porch.
Keep soil moist. Thin out seedlings if needed to provide room for the strongest
seedling. Plant bush types in late spring 3 feet apart in rows 5 feet apart. Plant
vining cultivars 3 feet apart in rows 8 feet apart. Sow directly outdoors in mid to
late spring when soil temperatures rise to a minimum of 65˚F. Create small hills
6 feet apart with amended soil. Sow seeds 6 per hill. Keep them watered, and
thin out to the two best seedlings per hill. Mulch around the seedlings with straw,
hay or leaves when the vines are longer and stronger. Fertilize every few weeks,
especially after fruits set, with a nutrient-rich fertilizer like compost tea, manure
tea or liquid seaweed extract. If the ground is always moist at this time, raise them
off the ground on bricks or blocks. Harvest only when it is fully mature, as the
taste depends on it. Do this just before the first expected frost, and they will store
longer. Harvest during a dry time, using a sharp knife you wash between each cut
to prevent spreading disease. Cure by letting dry in the sun until the stems wither.
Store in a cool, shaded area to extend storage time.
Insect Control
See Squash (Summer) for common pests and their control methods.
To avoid disease, water soil not foliage. Keep beds weed free. To ensure
fertilization, use a paintbrush to transfer pollen from the male stamen to the
female pistil.
Zucchini (washed)
1 lb. shrimp peeled and deveined
10 cherry tomatoes halved
2 cloves garlic minced
1 teaspoon paprika
The juice of 1 lemon
2 tablespoons olive oil
½ teaspoon salt
¼ teaspoon pepper
Using a spiral slicer cut the zucchini into noodles. Put them in a colander
over the sink.
Sprinkle the zucchini with salt and toss. Let sit for 15 minutes.
Combine garlic, paprika, lemon juice, cherry tomatoes and shrimp in a
bowl and mix well.
Heat the olive oil in a large skillet over medium high heat add the shrimp
and season with salt and pepper. Sauté until the shrimp are opaque.
Rinse the zucchini and drain on paper towels.
Add the zucchini noodles to the garlic shrimp, toss to coat and serve.
Summer Squash (Zucchini) Noodles
With Shrimp
Squash (Summer) Squash (Winter)