Project Ideas

Health Power
Figs are a great source of potassium, which supports healthy nerve function
and muscle contraction. A diet with many potassium-rich fruits and
vegetables is linked to lower blood pressure compared to diets with little
potassium. Figs have little calcium, but their potassium helps decrease the
amount of calcium lost in urine, which makes figs a net supporter of bone
health. The dietary fiber promotes healthy digestion, regulates cholesterol
and blood sugar levels, and may support weight loss. Research on the
benefits of fig leaves suggests phytonutrients within the leaves can help
lower the amount of insulin needed by dependent diabetics. They may also
reduce triglycerides in blood and inhibit the growth of some cancers. Watch
for future discoveries of the health benefits linked to fig trees.
Vitamin and Mineral Content
Vitamins – trace amounts
Minerals – Potassium and Manganese
Disease Prevention
Figs are linked to a lower risk of post-menopausal breast cancer. They also
support bone health, perhaps forestalling osteoporosis. Heart healthy, they
may reduce complications of high blood pressure.
How to Grow
Figs are a cool, tasty little specialty fruit to have growing in the back yard. They
can be trained as fan trees, bush trees or left alone to do what they will. Bush
trees will grow roughly 10 feet high, fan trees 15 feet. Let the tree shape itself
with some minor pruning. Figs need a sunny site and soil that holds moisture
well but has good drainage for the excess. The pH should be around 7 or just
below. If your garden area is small and you don't want to risk casting shade over
other plants, grow the figs along a south wall so it gets full sun. If growing more
than one tree, plant trees 12-15 feet apart. Choose a tree well adapted to your
climate. Self-fertilizing trees are easier to grow. The local nursery should have
a young transplant geared for your environment. Dig a deep hole and amend it
with aged compost, planting mix or well-aged manure. Plant the fig in and fill
the hole with the amended soil. Water manually during first year and during
dry spells. In winter, prune out old wood. Thin out branches in summer so fruit
can ripen in sun. Also, cut away any sucker sprouts that come up from roots
during growth. Replant these or give away. Figs are ready to harvest when skin
changes color. Dark skinned ones turn dark purple; light skinned turn yellow.
Eat straight off tree or store by drying or freezing.
Insect Control
Figs rarely have serious pests. Sometimes birds, botrytis and canker can
be a problem. If birds are a serious issue, the only sure way to protect the
tree is to surround it with netting. You may also try planting a mulberry
tree to divert them to what they love. Canker starts with eroding patches
of bark that grow bigger. When you notice it, cut off the diseased patches
or branches and dispose of them. Botrytis is gray mold that thrives in
cold, moist conditions. To avoid Botrytis, make sure the tree has good air
circulation, drainage and no excess water. Remove infected growth and
destroy immediately.
If fruit yield is your top priority, restrict root growth to encourage more energy
into fruiting. Do this by digging a wider hole and putting sediment on the
bottom. Then barricade the sides with bricks or metal sheets.
Health Power
Loaded with good stuff: Vitamins K, A, C, folate and manganese. Romaine
especially supports cardiovascular health. Vitamins A and C help prevent
arterial plaque buildup by eliminating free radicals that oxidize cholesterol
and help keep arterial walls elastic. Fiber helps regulate cholesterol levels and
promotes healthy digestion. Romaine lettuce’s potassium may help reduce
blood pressure and promote the proper firing of muscle and nerve cells.
Folate helps prevent damage to blood vessel walls by lowering homocysteine
concentration in blood. Folate also is essential for proper nerve development
in fetuses. A few ounces of romaine lettuce give more than 100 percent RDA
of vitamin K, which helps in making thicker bones. To help avoid lethargy, B
vitamins and manganese in romaine help the body extract energy from food.
Vitamin and Mineral Content
Vitamins – K, A, C, B9 (Folate), B1 (Thiamin), B2 (Riboflavin), B3 (Niacin), and
B6 (Pyridoxine)
Minerals – Manganese, Chromium, Potassium, Molybdenum, Iron,
Phosphorus and Calcium
Disease Prevention
Romaine lettuce may reduce the risk or symptoms of cardiovascular disease,
rheumatoid and osteoarthritis and macular degeneration. Provides general
defense from many common cancers via synergistic effect of vitamins, minerals
and phytonutrients acting as antioxidants, detoxifiers and possibly direct
inhibitors of cancer cell growth.
How to Grow
Great veggie to have in the garden for summer harvest. May grow all year
round in moderate climates. Many lettuce varieties. Some mature quickly or
slowly, are tolerant to heat; others that grow back after you cut them. Lettuce
prefers a cooler spot. Choose a site with part shade if your garden gets warm.
Soil pH should be near 6.5. Amend soil modestly with well-aged compost
or planting mix; too much fresh treatment leads to rotting. Sow seeds in
trays indoors around 65˚F under fluorescent lights or in greenhouse in late
winter. After seedlings develop, prepare for transplanting outdoors by cooling
temperature down to 50˚F. In early spring, transplant seedlings 6 inches
apart in rows 6 inches apart, underneath cloches if temperature is too cold.
At the same time, sow a larger, later variety outdoors underneath the cloche.
Continue to sow a new row of seeds in open ground every couple of weeks for
successive harvesting, with the last sowing in midsummer. Keep soil moist by
watering as needed. When heads look full and feel firm, pull plants and cut
their roots.
Insect Control
Cutworms, aphids, millipedes, and slugs are common lettuce pests. Cutworms
live beneath soil and feed on the base of plants. If a plant falls due to its base
being eaten, hoe around (without damaging roots) to expose worms to birds.
Put cutworm collars on transplants if you have problems. Regulate aphids by
planting French marigolds to attract hover flies and ladybugs, their natural
predators. Millipedes are little black insects that live below the soil and feed
on roots. They hide and breed under rocks or loose/fallen plant matter during
daytime. Best way to control is keep garden area clean. Check under rocks and
other hiding spots during the day. For slugs, embed a cup of beer in soil. They
crawl into it and drown.
If roots look infected, burn or dispose to prevent later return.
2 tablespoons olive oil
Coarse salt and ground pepper
3 tablespoons honey
½ cup fresh goat cheese
4 slices rye bread
½ pound ripe fresh figs, stemmed
and thinly sliced
In a large skillet, heat oil over medium heat. Season with salt and pepper.
Mix goat cheese and honey into a spread
Toast bread on both sides
Dividing evenly, spread cheese on bread slices. Top with figs and serve.
Fig And Goat Cheese Open Face Toast