User guide

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Laser Scanner
Laser Ranger sensor (4m version, URG-04LX) is connected to WiFi module–1 port 2 after voltage level
conversion. You could access the sensor data via TCP socket at port 10002 with IP
Default settings for the serial port are: 115200, 8, N, 1, no flow control, TCP, port number 10002
Date and communication protocol could be found in “URG-04LX commspec_eg.pdf”.
GPS sensor output interface is RS232 serial port, and connected to WiFi module-2 port 2 after voltage level
conversion. You could access the sensor data via TCP socket at port 10002 with IP
Default settings for the serial port are: 115200, 8, N, 1, no flow control, TCP, port number 10002
NMEA 0183 sentence is described in file “GPS18x_TechnicalSpecifications.pdf”. GPS configuration tool is
9DOF IMU (Gyro/Accelerometer/Compass)
The output interface for this IMU sensor module is serial port. It is connected to WiFi module-2 port 2. You could
read from this sensor via TCP port 10001 at IP Serial Port Settings: 57600, 8, N, 1, no flow
control, TCP, port number 10001. The sensor output rate is 50Hz (20ms) with output format of ASICII.
It’s easier to read with a terminal program since the sensors’ measurements are reported in ASCII. DCM
estimation and all measurements are delimited with “,”characters as well as a carriage return and line feed at the
end of the data frame.
“ANG,roll,pitch,yaw,AN,gyroY,gyroZ,gyroX,accelX,accleY,accelZ,magnetomX, magnetomY, magnetomZ”
After “ANG”, roll, pitch, yaw are estimated angle value by on board DCM algorithm. The unit is degree.
After “AN”, the data are raw AD value for each sensor. Please note that the accelX, Y, Z value have been
adjusted by subtracting the offsets by on board firmware.
Sample data string:
“ANG,0,0,10,AN, 379,378,379,1,-2, 243,4096,-1558,256”
Camera with Two Way Audio
You need to install the camera ActiveX control on your system by running the “AXISMediaControlSDK.exe”. You
could find some sample codes (C++, C#, VB) in C:\Program Files\Axis Communications\AXIS Media Control
SDK\samples and the corresponding SDK documents in C:\Program Files\Axis Communications\AXIS Media
Control SDK\doc.
By using the Microsoft’s “Windows Media Encoder 9” and Axis video capture driver, you could also access this
camera in Intel’s OpenCV as same as accessing a USB camera.