User Manual

Dräger X-zone 5500 47
3.4 Carrying out a functional test with gas
The functional test can be carried out in 3 ways.
3.4.1 Functional test of the X-am 5000/5600
Perform a functional test in accordance with the
instructions for use for the gas detection instrument before
using with the X-zone 5500.
3.4.2 Functional test of the X-am 5600 in combination
with the X-zone 5500
In diffusion mode
1. Switch on the X-zone 5500 (see“ Switching on the
instrument” on page 45).
2. Attach adaptor (1) (order no. 83 23 314) to the holder
3. Connect the test gas cylinder hose to the adaptor (2).
4. Open the test gas cylinder valve to let test gas flow over the
5. Wait until the device displays the test gas concentration
with sufficient tolerance:
Ex: ±20% of the test gas concentration
: ±0.8 vol.%
TOX: ±20% of the test gas concentration
Depending on the test gas concentration, alarm A1 or A2
is issued when the alarm thresholds are exceeded.
6. Close the test gas cylinder valve and remove the adaptor
from the holder.
If the displays are outside of the above-mentioned ranges:
Have the X-am 5x00 calibrated by the service personnel.
In pump operation
1. Switch on the X-zone 5500 (see“ Switching on the
instrument” on page 45).
2. Screw the valve on to the test gas cylinder.
3. Screw the hose from the test gas cylinder clockwise onto
the filter.
4. Wait until the device displays the test gas concentration
with sufficient tolerance:
Ex: ±20% of the test gas concentration
: ±0.8 vol.%
TOX: ±20% of the test gas concentration
Depending on the test gas concentration, alarm A1 or A2
is issued when the alarm thresholds are exceeded.
5. Unscrew the hose on the test gas cylinder anti-clockwise
from the filter.
If the displays are outside of the above-mentioned ranges:
Have the X-am 5x00 calibrated by the service personnel.
3.4.3 Functional test of the X-am 5100 in combination
with the X-zone 5500
1. Switch on the X-zone 5500 (see“ Switching on the
instrument” on page 45).
2. Hold the test gas source in front of the cap.
3. Open valve of test gas source to let test gas flow over the
4. Recommendation: Wait until the instrument displays the
test gas concentration with sufficient tolerance.
Wait at least until the alarm threshold A1 or A2 is
If the alarm thresholds are exceeded, the instrument
displays the gas concentration in alternation with » A1 « or
» A2 « depending on the test gas concentration.
5. Close valve of test gas source.
6. If the concentration has now fallen under the A1 alarm
7. Acknowledge the alarm.
Risk to health! Never inhale the test gas.
Observe the hazard instructions of the appropriate
Safety Sheets.
A functional test must be carried out on every device
before use.
Safe pump operation is only ensured when the
functional test is performed after each mounting of the
Sensor-specific features are described in the relevant
sensor data sheets.
1 Upon application of the Dräger mixed gas (order no. 68 11 130)
the displays should be within this range. Different concentrations
can be set using the Dräger CC-Vision PC software provided.
The gas inlet opening of the X-am 5100 and the cap
must not be covered or dirty to ensure a correct test.