User's Manual

DragonWave Inc. 10
AirPair 100 UL 24 GHz Product Manual
3.6. Force Majeure
(a) DragonWave Inc. shall not be liable if its performance of the Terms and
Conditions of Sale becomes commercially impractical due to any
contingency beyond DragonWave Inc.’s reasonable control, including
acts of God, fires, floods, wars, sabotage, civil unrest, accidents, labour
disputes or shortages, government laws, rules and regulations, whether
valid or invalid, inability to obtain material, equipment or transportation,
incorrect, delayed or incomplete specifications, drawings or data supplied
by Customers or others (collectively “Force Majeure”). In no event of
Force Majeure shall DragonWave be required to purchase goods from
others to enable it to deliver the Equipment under the Terms and
Conditions of Sale.
(b) DragonWave Inc. shall not be responsible for failure to discharge its
obligations under this Warranty due to Force Majeure.
3.7. Engineering and System Design
(a) The Customer is solely responsible for the engineering, design,
integration and normal preventative and remedial maintenance of the
Customer’s system for which DragonWave Inc. supplies Equipment.
(b) DragonWave Inc. is not responsible for the satisfactory operation of the
Equipment in conjunction with other manufacturer’s equipment, nor for
any losses, which can occur as a result of a failure of the Equipment to
operate in conjunction with another manufacturer’s equipment.