User's Manual

DragonWave Inc. 28
AirPair 100 UL 24 GHz Product Manual
Required Action Steps
set transmit power [power
in dBm]
Sets the transmit power, if required.
set transmit power [power in dBm] press Enter
[power in dBm] is a multiple of 10 value, i.e., 132 represents 13.2
dBm, 94 represents 9.4 dBm.
The system responds:
System is programmed and transmitting at [powerLevel] dBm.
If the radio is not connected, the system responds:
System programmed to [powerLevel] dBm. Radio communication
has failed. System not transmitting.
If the radio transmit calibration table is not programmed into the
radio, the system responds:
System programmed to [powerLevel] dBm.
Note: Radio requires calibration tables in order to set the transmit
power level. [powerLevel] dBm will NOT be used.
reset system Resets the system to save the settings to FLASH and restart the system
with the new settings taking effect. If you do not want to restart the
system, use the command save MIB to save the settings to FLASH.
reset system press Enter
The system responds:
system reset.