User's Manual

Horizon Compact Release 1.01.01 Wireless Ethernet Product User Manual Volume 1
8.0 Grounding, Power and Surge Arrestors
The Horizon unit must be grounded using a minimum of 6 AWG copper wire attached to any of the eight
ground points available on the Horizon case, as shown in Figure 8-1.
Surge arrestors and lightning protection is built into the Horizon unit.
The Ethernet and PonE cables must be properly protected at the end of their run as they enter the
building. Before Ethernet cables enter buildings, voltages shall be clamped down to SELV by approved
type primary protectors.
For the copper interface option, proper use of the Horizon PonE unit provides lightning and surge
protection for the connected network. The PonE unit shall be installed according to local Electrical Safety
For the optical interface, proper use of the Transtector unit protects the optional management Ethernet
connection (if used) and the power supply.
Figure 8-1 Horizon Compact case grounding point
Use 6 AWG or larger copper wire to connect from Horizon case grounding point to ground.
There are two grounding points on each of the four sides of the Horizon case.