
Bass EQ: Passive equaliser control, which can be set to provide up to
15dB of bass boost at 40Hz.
Treble EQ: Passive equaliser control, which can be set to provide up to
18dB of treble boost at 16kHz.
Gain: Provides up to 30dB of gain at the Low Gain switch setting
or 40dB at the High Gain setting.
Low/High: Sensitivity selector switch. Adds 10dB of gain in the High
Flat/EQ: Switches the equaliser controls out of circuit when a flat
response is required, or for 'A/B' comparison of EQ
Norm/Bright: Switches in 10dB of boost at 2kHz in the Bright position, (
when 'EQ' has been selected on the Flat/EQ switch.)
" Select Stereo Link mode for use with a stereo signal, otherwise ensure
this switch is Off.
" Choose correct signal source for each channel using selector.
" Initially, set the Attack selector to the Medium position and set Release to
6 (Programme Dependent).
" Set the Mode switch to Normal and the Meter switch to GR.
" With programme material playing, adjust the Threshold control until the
desired amount of gain reduction registers on the meters.
" Use the Output Gain control to restore any level lost due to compression.
" If necessary, change the Attack and Release settings to suit the material.