Owner manual

Position Dither and Noise Shaping
1 Positions the noise shaped dither to the very top of the audio spectrum at a
level of +30dB above the quantise noise floor. Because the ears are very
insensitive at this frequency, the noise is inaudible, resulting in a subjectively
clean signal with a wide dynamic range. Adding extreme HF EQ boost at a
later stage is not recommended.
2 The same frequency as 1 (above) with only +20dB of boost. The reduction in
level slightly increases distortion, but the tolerance to HF EQ on replay is
3 Shaped dither above 17KHz @ +30dB.
4 Shaped dither above 17KHz @ +20dB.
5 Dual slope filtered dither above 16KHz @ +10dB. A particularly effective
setting combining subjective neutrality with a worthwhile increase in dynamic
range and high tolerance to post HF EQ.
6 Shaped dither above 14KHz @ +20dB.
7 Shaped dither above 14KHz @ +15dB.
8 Shaped dither above 12KHz @ +15dB.
9 Smooth, dual-slope filtered dither above 10KHz @ +10dB. A relatively
gentle noise shaping with a worthwhile increase in dynamic range and a
neutral sound.
10 Shaped dither above 10KHz @ +10dB.
11 White noise dither. No noise shaping.
12 Dither / Noise shaping OFF. Caution as a truncated word length will give
A Tape Playback Tracks 1,2 & 3 in high resolution modes; tracks 1,2 in 16-bit
B Tape Playback Tracks 1,2 & 3 in high resolution modes; tracks 3,4 in 16-bit
C Tape Playback Tracks 5,6 & 7 in high resolution modes; tracks 5,6 in 16-bit
D Tape Playback Tracks 5,6 & 7 in high resolution modes; tracks 7,8 in 16-bit