User Manual

L.F. 25Hz - 3KHZ
The Low Frequency filter works by severely attenuating
frequencies below the cut-off frequency selected.
H.F. 250Hz - 30KHz
The High Frequency filter attenuates frequencies above the
selected cut-off value.
In other words, when both filters are set, it is the range between
the two settings that is allowed to pass.
Note: Filters only effect the signal triggering the gate. See 'KEY
Ext/Int In the Int position, this switch causes the gate to respond to the
dynamics of the signal being processed.
In the Ext position, an external audio signal fed to the key input
is used to control the gate, making it possible to gate one sound
using another, independent signal.
Threshold !72dBFs - Infinity
Sets the level at which the gate opens.
The four led meter, to the left of the control, shows the signal
below threshold.
Attack 10uS - 1 Second
This control determines how quickly the gate opens. The fastest
Attack time ensures that the gate does not clip the leading edge
of extremely fast transients.
Note: See section on using Attack under 'OPERATION'.
Hold 10mS - 2.5 Second
Determines the amount of time the gate is held open after the
signal falls below the Threshold.
Decay 5mS - 4 Second
Determines the rate at which the gate closes, once the signal has
fallen below the Threshold and the Hold time has expired.
Range 0dB - !80dB
Sets the amount of attenuation applied to the signal when the
gate is closed. This enables the gate to remove unwanted signals
entirely, or simply to attenuate signals which are too loud.
Note: Active on both channels, even in stereo linked operation