User manual

5.5 Setting a marker (Bookmarks)
Fast forward to the point where you want to add a marker and press the 0 on the Numeric-Keypad.
This will set a marker at the desired point.
Infobar Movieplayer with Markers
The red dashes in the timeline correlate to a marker.
Skip to a marker
You can directly skip to a previously set marker during playback.
Press the Arrow-Left-Button to skip to the previous marker and press the Arrow-Right-Button to
skip to the next marker.
To delete a marker skip to it as described above and press the 0 on the Numeric-Keypad.
5.6 Delete a recording
1. Press PVR-Button, to get to the selection of recordings.
2. With the Navigation-Buttons (NH) choose a recording and press the Menu-Button.
3. With the Navigation-Buttons (NH) choose the option “delete” and press the OK-Button. You
will be asked if you want to delete the recording. As a control feature the name of the recording is
displayed as well. Choose “Yes” and you will be taken back to the selection of recordings.
5.7 Movielist options
Follow this steps:
1. Press the PVR-Button, to access the Movielist.
2. Press the Menu-Button.
Sorting options
You have the choice between two different sorting options:
1. Alphabetic sort
2. Sort by date