User Manual

The construction of DREAMGRIP Evolution allows you to adjust positions of the elements to align
them to a particular phone and camera location. To load a phone into the Rig we recommend you to
follow the sequence below.
1) Loose the Bolt that fixes the Clamp Holder and turn the holder anticlockwise about 45° to
the Track.
2) Insert the phone into the Clamp Holder by pushing its top jaw up while heading phone’s top
side with camera towards Optics Adapter. If you have a phone with corner camera position -
load the phone to have camera side up for the better alignment with Optics Adapter.
(!)TIP: Check the position of control bottoms at sides of your phone to ensure the Clamp does
not push them.
3) Turn the Clamp Holder with your phone clockwise to align in parallel with the Sliders. Loose
the two small fixing screws at the front side on the Optics Cup to align it with phone’s camera
position on vertical axis.
(!)TIP: Use the holes as marks to align the Cup position easy and fast (Pic.6). Be picky and
precise finding the very middle if you are planning to use any lens.
Pic.5. Inserting the phone Pic.6. Aligning camera to the Optics Cup.
4) Tight the Clamp Holder screw first, then loose two tightening screws at Optics Cup and align
the central circle precisely to have the phone camera in a very center of it.
5) Move the Pushing Bar with two thumbs (pic.7) to push the phone tightly to the cup from the
other side to fix the phone’s position securely against the center of Optics Cup. Then tighten
up the Bolts on Optics Adaptor to fix it on Tracks first, and finally tighten the two small Cup
screws to ensure all the elements are aligned.