Installation Sheet

Lifting Hazard
To avoid personal injury, use two people to move
cartons weighing more than 51 lbs. The box
containing the wall panels can weigh up to 120 pounds.
Use the appropriate lifting devices to move the load. Always
use two people when lifting heavy or bulky cartons. DO NOT
attempt to lift objects that are too heavy.
Slipping Hazard
Do not install this product in the presence of water.
Installing this product without drying all surfaces, or in
the presence of water, could cause you to slip and fall due to
wet floors or spilled fluids. Personal injury can result from slips
or falls. Before installation, dry all surfaces, including the floor,
with a cloth or paper towel. Clean up all spilled fluids
Tripping Hazard
Personal injury can result from tripping over power
cords, tools, or other items. DO NOT leave items laying
around the work area.
Personal Protection
Be sure to use all personal protective
equipment, such as sturdy work boots,
preferably with steel toes, gloves, and hard hat, if necessary,
to ensure your own safety. To prevent possible damage to
your hearing, always wear ear protection, such as earmuffs or
earplugs, when working around power tools.
Cutting Hazard
The installation of the walls may require using power
tools. Keep hands away from the cutting edge of any
tool used in the installation of our product. Placing
fingers in or around the cutting blades could result in serious
personal injury.
Sharp Edge Hazard
After cutting the edge of a panel, it can be sharp. Wear
protective gloves to prevent personal injury.
Room Temperature
Allow the panels to adjust to room temperature
for at least six hours before installation, and
consult the 100% silicone sealant manufacturer’s
instructions for storage and surface preparation. The panels
should be installed at temperatures not less than 18°C. Panels
should not be installed in areas where the temperature may
drop below freezing. Failure to follow this recommendation
could adversely affect the silicone sealants which holds the
panels to the wall. If the panels are not correctly adhered to the
walls, they may fall off, causing possible injury to someone in or
around the shower.
Grab Bars
We recommend that shower compartments be
equipped with support grab bars that comply with the
most recent edition of ANSI-A117.1 requirements.
Grab bars must be anchored to structural support (wall studs)
behind the panels. Do not rely on the panels only for grab bar
WARNING: Damage and injury can be incurred if the
instructions are not followed.
Eye Protection
Be sure to use all personal protective equipment to
ensure your own safety. To avoid eye injury, always
wear protective glasses with side shields when using power
tools. Also, make sure no one else can be injured by flying
particles when using power tools.
Fire Hazard
Personal injury or death can result from a
fire caused by flammable liquids or
silicone sealants. Cleaners or solvents can be highly explosive,
resulting in personal injury or even death, when not used
properly. Clean up any flammable substance immediately.
Sparks or open flames can cause flammable substances to
ignite. DO NOT smoke while working on or near any
flammable substance.
Solvents Hazard
Follow all manufacturer’s safety instructions for silicone
sealants and denatured alcohol. Alcohol vapors are
both flammable and hazardous to breathe. Silicone vapors
may irritate eyes and nose. Personal injury can result from
improperly handling or use of products, such as denatured
alcohol. Always follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for
the safe use of these products. Ventilate any work area before
beginning to apply silicone sealants, cleaning agents, or
Fumes Hazard
The fumes from the silicone and solvents used
by the installer can be harmful if used in an
unventilated room. Always work in a well-ventilated area. To
keep the area well-ventilated, open windows and use exhaust
fans. If adequate ventilation is not achievable or practical, use
respiratory protective equipment.
Dust Hazard
When cutting or drilling the product, use a dust
collection method which prevents dust particles
from going into the air. Always work in a well-ventilated area.
Always use government health and safety agency approved
dust mask when cutting, drilling, or sanding DreamLine
Power Tool Hazard
To prevent personal injury or possible death,
always follow the electrical safety
recommendations of the power tool’s manufacturer. Do not use
power tools in an unsafe manner. Power tools should only be
connected to a circuit protected by a ground-fault circuit
interrupter (GFI).
Shock Hazard
Never use electric power tools around water,
condensation, or other liquids. Electric shock
can cause severe burns, significant injuries, and even death. If
an extension cord is required, always use government health
and safety agency approved extension cord. Power cords
should only be connected to a circuit protected by a ground-
fault circuit interrupter (GFI).
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Indicates that equipment or
property damage can result if instructions are not
Read and Understand the Manual
It is the responsibility of any individual who installs or
maintains this product to fully understand and follow
proper installation and maintenance procedures. Be aware of
the inherent dangers in the use of power tools when installing
this product. Read and understand all Warnings, Cautions, and
Important Notices in this manual.
Work Safely
DO NOT proceed if any doubt arises about the method
of performing anything found in this or other DreamLine
manuals. The installation of this product can require using
power tools. Do not use power tools without adequate training.
If necessary, hire or consult a trained professional for expert
assistance before continuing.
Use Proper Tools
Always use proper tools during the installation of the
products. Using tools other than those listed could
adversely affect the integrity of floors, pipes, walls, or this
product and could result in water damage or other damage to
floors, pipes, walls, or other portions of your building or home.
Do Not Use Nails
The panels mount to walls with 100% clear silicone
sealant only. It is NOT recommended to use GE brand
of 100% silicone. Never use hammers, nails, or screws. They
adversely affect the integrity of this product. Nails and screws
could puncture the walls, resulting in water or other damage to
floors, pipes, walls, or other portions of your building or home.
Inspect Before Cutting
Make sure no electrical wiring or plumbing is present
before cutting into a wall to install any accessories.
Wall Conditions
Inspect the walls before installing the wall panels.
Never install panels over damp walls or an existing
mold condition.
CAUTION: Indicates a potentially hazardous situation
which, if not avoided, may result in injury.
Use Proper Installation Methods
Follow all instructions related to wall surface
preparation. Failure to follow such instructions could
cause the panels to detach from the wall surface after
installation, resulting in personal injury. Failure to follow these
instructions could result in water damage.
The DreamLine Assurance — if our product is
properly installed and maintained, as stated in
these instructions, it will not leak.
Remember –Remember –
Safety First Safety First
DreamLine, cannot anticipate every
possible circumstance that might involve
a potential hazard during the installation
of our product(s). The warnings and
instructions in this installation guide
are, therefore, not all-inclusive. If a tool,
installation procedure, or work method
that is not specifically recommended
by DreamLine is used, you must satisfy
yourself that it is safe. You should also
make sure that the DreamLine product(s)
will not be damaged by the methods
you choose. DreamLine will not be held
responsible for water damage of any kind
in connection with the installation of one
of our DreamLine bath / shower / panel kits.
To avoid product damage, personal
injury, or even possible death, carefully
read, understand, and follow all the
instructions in this installation guide
before installing this product(s). Do not
use cleaning fluids or operate power
tools unless you read and understand
the instructions and warnings. Proper use
of tools and the products described in
this guide is your responsibility.
Refer to the Warranty section in
this manual for complete details.
Save this manual for future
Important information on cleaning,
maintenance, and repair is contained
Safety Guidelines Safety Guidelines