Quick Guide

9 10
Camera Settings
Wi-Fi 2.4G/5.8G
Change Password xxxxxxxxxx
Field Of View 120°/90°
Exposure -2/-1/0/1/2
Bitrate High/Mid/Low
Filter Normal/Vivid/Low Light
ISO 100/200/400/800/Auto
Mic Sensitivity 0/1/2/3/4/5
Speaker Volume Off/Low/Mid/High
LED Status Indicator On/Off
Date 01/01/2021
Language English/Chinese
Restore Default On/Off
Format Micro SD On/Off
Serial Number XXXX
Firmware Version x.x.x.x
In order to setup your X3, install the Drift Life App on your mobile
phone and connect it with your X3 to access the following settings.
Download APP
Search "Drift Talk" from Google Play, or “Drift Meeting” on Apple Store
and install on your mobile phone.
Search “Drift Life” from Google Play or Apple Store and install on your
mobile phone.