
drobo.com | Getting Started Guide for Your Drobo / Pro / S |
Depending on your operating system, one of the following may result:
appears, asking if you want to allow changes to your computer. Click the Allow or
Yes button, as appropriate.
and click the appropriate button.
Drobo Dashboard installs on your computer.
7. If you are on a Macintosh, you will be prompted to restart your computer in order to
complete installation. Do this.
8. After installation is complete, leave the Launch Drobo Dashboard check box selected
and click the Finish button.
The Drobo Dashboard application appears. When it launches for the first time, the
Confirm dialog box appears, asking if you would like Drobo to automatically check
for software updates of your Drobo Dashboard and firmware for your Drobo device.
9. We strongly recommend that you click the Yes button.
Afterwards, the All Devices page displays in Drobo Dashboard. Leave Drobo
Dashboard open as you continue with the set up procedures.