
drobo.com | Getting Started Guide for Your Drobo / Pro / S |
1. Remove the face plate from the front of your Drobo/Pro/S by pulling it off.
2. With one hand, hold the hard drive so that its connectors are positioned at the
device and toward the bottom for the Drobo and Drobo S (see Figure 1), or positioned
toward the left, for the DroboPro (see Figure 2).
Figure 1: Installing hard drives on a Drobo or Drobo S
Figure 2: Installing hard drives on a DroboPro
Warning: For optimal performance, keep the DroboPro in its normal horizontal
position. If placed on its side, hard drives may disconnect.
3. With your other hand, use your thumb to depress and hold open one of the drive
locks to a selected data bay. Refer to the image below.
Power Data Bay Data Bay Indicator