
drobo.com | Getting Started Guide for Your Drobo / Pro / S |
Figure 6: Table of file system formats and maximum volume sizes
* FAT32 is an older file system format that is generally less protective of your data than modern file
systems. It also has slower performance and file size limitations.
Important Notes:
- Volume size does not represent how much actual storage space is available on
your Drobo/Pro/S. It represents virtual storage space. For example, your Drobo/
Pro/S may be loaded with 2TB of hard drive space, but you can create a volume
of 8TB. What this enables you to do is add more capacity to your Drobo/Pro/S (by
inserting an additional drive or replacing a smaller capacity drive with a larger
capacity one) without having to format an additional volume. The additional
capacity becomes part of the same volume you formatted originally.
- Your operating system may show the virtual space you have available on your
Drobo device, as defined by the volume size.
- If the amount of available, protected storage space in your Drobo/Pro/S ever
exceeds the size of the volume that you chose (this may occur when you add one
or more additional hard disks to your Drobo/Pro/S), then Drobo Dashboard will
automatically create a new volume (or volumes) of the same size as the original
volume. Drobo Dashboard will notify you when this occurs and ask you to format
and name the new volume(s).
- For the DroboPro, after creating the initial volume, you can create and manage
multiple volumes, each with its own size and supported file format. After setting up
your volumes, each will display uniquely, rather than as a single volume. You can do
this after setup using DroboPros Volume Management feature. Refer to the Online
User Guide for information and steps.
Tip: For most customers, we recommend choosing the largest volume size available
for the selected file system. Note, however, that smaller volume sizes can be more
efficient and manageable in certain situations, such as when indexing, scanning or
searching volumes.
File System Format
Windows Vista, 7, Server 3000 (and later)
All Windows
Op. Sys. Compatible With Max Volume Size