Certifications 2

Conrad Electronic SE, Klaus-Conrad-Str. 1, D-92240 Hirschau
Item no.: 1784859
Material Safety Data Sheet
5. Fire Fighting Measures
Flammable Properties
In the event that this battery has been ruptured, the electrolyte solution contain within the battery would be flammable. Like any
sealed container, battery cells may rupture when exposed to excessive heat; this could result in the release of flammable or
corrosive materials.
Suitable Extinguishing Media
Use extinguishing media suitable for the materials that are burning.
Unsuitable extinguishing Media
Not available
Explosion Data
Sensitivity to Mechanical Impact: This may result in rupture in extreme cases
Sensitivity to Static Discharge: Not Applicable
Specific Hazards arising from the chemical
Fires involving LITHIUM POLYMER CELL can be controlled with water. When water is used, however, hydrogen gas may
evolve. In a confined space, hydrogen gas can form an explosive mixture. In this situation, smothering agents are
recommended to extinguish the fire.
Protective Equipment and precautions for firefighters
As for any fire, evacuate the area and fight the fire from a safe distance. Wear a pressure-demand, self-contained breathing
apparatus and full protective gear.
Fight fire from a protected location or a safe distance. Use NIOSH/MSHA approved full-face self-contained breathing
apparatus (SCBA) with full protective gear.
Health: 0 Flammability: 0 Instability: 0
6. Accidental Release Measures
Personal Precautions, protective equipment, and emergency procedures
Restrict access to area until completion of clean-up. Do not touch the spilled material. Wear adequate personal protective
equipment as indicated in Section 8.
Environmental Precautions
Prevent material from contaminating soil and from entering sewers or waterways.
Methods and materials for Containment
Stop the leak if safe to do so. Contain the spilled liquid with dry sand or earth. Clean up spills immediately.
Methods and materials for cleaning up
Absorb spilled material with an inert absorbent (dry sand or earth). Scoop contaminated absorbent into an acceptable waste
container. Collect all contaminated absorbent and dispose of according to directions in Section 13. Scrub the area with
detergent and water; collect all contaminated wash water for proper disposal.
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