Assembly instructions

You proceed in the same way with the hanging toms and the oor tom. Seat the
head slowly and evenly. At rst, press the head down with your hands to seat it well.
Tap your nger along the rim to check: you should hear a ringing tone. You shouldn't
be able to see any more wrinkles.
The sounds of the three toms should also harmonise. The sounds should harmonise
while you're tuning the heads. Don't be afraid to play the other two toms to ensure
that the tones harmonise. Don't tune the resonator heads until you have tuned the
heads on all three toms. You tune the batter and resonator heads to the same pitch.
This considerably amplies the drums' sounds. As you come closer to the pitch of the
beater head when tuning the resonator head, the drum shell gets louder and clearer
with more punch.
Hit the beater head and the resonator head to compare. You will then quickly realise
whether the same pitch is produced on both heads. If you tension the head too
much, you lose the clear sound of the shell. Then, the easiest thing to do is to evenly
loosen all the tension rods (count the turns) and start from scratch. It is not possible
to tune drum heads backwards little by little.
Hanging toms and oor tom
Tuning the shells
DrumCraft Series
drum set