User's Manual

Change Logfile – opens a standard Windows file save dialog box which allows the user to
change the path and name of the log file generated by the application.
Exit – exits the control application.
Timeouts – password protected access to change timeouts used during the serial
communications between the unit and the controller.
Engineering – password protected access to further diagnostic and calibration features.
Write License Code – open a further password protected box for entering license codes for
future upgrade.
Change RS232 address – Changes RS232 address of configuration port, which is normally
set to 1.
Write AES Key – opens a dialog box for entering a customer-selected scrambling key. A key is
a combination of 32 hexadecimal characters (64 for optional 256-bit encryption). Hexadecimal
characters are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, and F. The receiver and transmitter must
have identical AES keys.
Restore Defaults – restores factory default settings in the transmitter. User should NOT
select Restore Defaults.
Polling Enabled – selecting this option makes the control application automatically refresh
the data presented to the user every few seconds.
Polling Options – selecting this option opens a dialog box for entering a customer-selected
polling interval (in milliseconds).