User Manual

Transmitter Control Application
Output Frequency (MHz)
The transmit frequency can be changed by entering the new desired
frequency in this field. Values outside the range supported by a particular
transmitter type will be rounded to the highest or lowest supported
frequency as appropriate. The resolution of the transmit frequency is
resolved to the closest achievable within the supported step sizes of 1MHz,
1.6667 MHz and 2.5 MHz.
Modulation Output (same as RF button functionality)
This control is used to turn on and off the RF output. After a configuration
change, the output always reverts to OFF. It must be ON for operation.
Modulation FEC
The default FEC is 2/3, however improved range operation can be achieved
by selecting FEC 1/3. FEC 1/3 will improve signal range by 3dB. However
FEC 1/3 reduces link capacity to 1.2Mb/s.
Modulation Guard Interval
The Guard Interval is fixed at 1/16 in current firmware releases.
Modulation Bandwidth
For the Palladium transmitter products, the modulation bandwidth is fixed
at 2.5MHz in current firmware release.
The COFDM mode can be changed between QPSK and 16QAM. QPSK is
the default mode and will give the strongest most rugged RF link
performance. Selecting 16QAM reduces the link performance by 5dB but
improves the link data throughput.
Default values are shown in red.
2.5 MHz
(your frequency)
Advanced options are shown in blue. These
options are for trained and experienced technicians only.