
12.13 Trouble Shooting Non-textile Printing
To print on irregular surfaced print media, we recommend multiple coatings of undercoat. If
the material is a water-repellent material, you may need to apply at least three coatings.
Ink Cracking:
When printing solid colors (such as black. red, blue etc), small cracks appear all over the
printed area.
Cause: Too much ink is applied on the coated surface.
1. Take off “High Speed” check in the “Advanced” window. This will set the printer to print
a single path, allowing more time for the undercoat to absorb the ink before the next
2. Place a print media on the far right side of the tray. This will slow down the speed of the
printer, but it allows undercoat to fix the ink onto the surface.
3. Dry the undercoat well. Well dried, thickly coated undercoat has a much better ability
to take printed ink on the surface than thin coated, poorly dried undercoat. Please dry
undercoat for at least 24 hours before printing. Even if you artificially dry the coating,
we recommend leaving the undercoat for at least 24 hours before print (in a dry place).
Undercoat can be pre-coated and stored for about 1 month.
4. If problem is not resolved by the above tips, choose CD-R mode from the driver and print
5. If possible, dry the media with a heat dryer in between the prints.
Ink Overflowing:
When the undercoat material is applied too thinly, the ink won’t be able to stick to the coated
surface and will “overflow”. Additionally, the printed images will take a long time to dry.
Cause: The undercoating is too thin or uneven.
1. Apply thick even undercoat on the material. Be sure to cover the entire surface of print
2. Do not force dry quickly. Leave the coated media on levelled place for at least 15
minutes before force dry.