Installation and Operating Instructions

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Important information
2.5 General safety information
i Always comply with the specifications of all
guidelines, laws, and other rules and regula-
tions applicable at the site of operation for the
operation of this unit.
i Check the function and condition of the unit
prior to every use.
i Do not convert or modify the unit.
i Comply with the specifications of the Installa-
tion and Operating Instructions.
i The Installation and Operating Instructions
must be accessible to all operators of the unit
at all times.
2.6 Specialist personnel
Unit operating personnel must ensure safe and
correct handling based on their training and
i Instruct or have every user instructed in han-
dling the unit.
Installation and repairs
i Installation, readjustments, alterations, up-
grades and repairs must be carried out by
Dürr Dental or by qualified personnel specifi-
cally approved and authorized by Dürr Dental.
2.3 Intended use
VistaScan Nano Easy
The unit may only be operated using accesso-
ries and optional articles manufactured by or
branded with Dürr Dental.
The unit may only be cleaned using the disin-
fectants and cleaning agents approved by and
specified by the manufacturer.
Light protection cover
The Light Protection Cover is a disposable item.
The Light Protection Cover is designed exclu-
sively for use with image plate scanners manu-
factured by or branded with DürrDental and im-
age plates manufactured by or branded with
2.4 Improper use
Any other usage or usage beyond this scope is
deemed to be improper. The manufacturer ac-
cepts no liability for damages resulting from im-
proper usage. The user bears the sole risk.
VistaScan Nano Easy
The unit is not suitable for monitoring patients
over longer periods of time. This unit must not
be operated in operating theatres or similar
rooms, in which dangers may arise from the
combustion of flammable materials.
Light protection covers
Especially: The multiple use of this accessory
and reprocessing contrary to the instructions of
the manufacturer.
The use of the accessory in combination with
other than image plate scanners manufactured
by or branded with Dürr Dental and image
plates manufactured by or branded with Dürr
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