Product Manual

(applies to all categories of Tychem® garments)
Tychem® chemical protective garments, other than Tychem® ThermoPro, will burn. No Tychem®
garment should be worn around heat, open flames, sparks or any other possible ignition source nor in
potentially explosive or flammable environments.
Wearing garments made of NOMEX® or any other flame-resistant fabric, under Tychem® garments, other
than Tychem® ThermoPro, will not reduce burn injury during a flash-fire.
Tychem® garments, other than Tychem® ThermoPro, will burn and possibly melt when exposed to a
flash-fire; this is likely to increase burn injuries even when worn over garments made of NOMEX® or any
other flame-resistant fabric. Tychem® garments, other than Tychem® ThermoPro, melt when exposed to
heat and flame, these garments should not be worn under a garment made of NOMEX® or any other flame
resistant fabric, if the potential for flash-fire exists.
NOTE for Tychem® ThermoPro garments only: Users of Tychem® ThermoPro garments should not
knowingly enter an environment in which the concentration of flammable gas is within flammable or
explosive limits. Should wearers of Tychem® garments determine they are in such an environment, they
should retreat immediately.
Tychem® ThermoPro garments are not intended for fire fighting activities, nor for protection from hot
liquids, steam, molten metals, welding, electrical arc or thermal radiation. Tychem® ThermoPro garments
are designed and tested to help reduce injury during escape from a flash fire. Users of Tychem®
ThermoPro garments should not knowingly enter an explosive environment, i.e., an environment in which
the concentration of flammable gas or solids is within flammable limits.
(applies to all categories of Tychem® garments)
It is the responsibility of the user to select garments which are appropriate for each intended use and which
meet all specified government and industry standards.
Tychem® garments are intended to help reduce the potential for injury, but no protective apparel alone, can
eliminate all risk of injury. Protective apparel must be used in conjunction with general safety practices.

Summary of content (3 pages)