Page 3: MSDS for Marine Paint & Varnish Duralux® Alkyd Enamels
10. Stability and Reactivity:
Stability: Hazardous polymerization will not occur. Stable. Hazardous reactions: Avoid high temperatures, amines, acids,
hydroxyl or other active hydrogen compounds. Hazardous Decompositions Products: Incomplete combustions may produce
fumes, smoke, carbon monoxide and other asphyxiates.
11. Toxicological Information:
Mineral Spirits; lhl rat LC50:3400 ppm/4H
12. Ecological Information:
This material is not classified as dangerous to the environment. If applied to leaves, this product may kill grasses and small plants
by interfering with transpiration and respiration. This product is not toxic to fish but may coat gill structures resulting in
suffocation if spilled in shallow, running water. Product may be moderately toxic to amphibians by preventing dermal respiration.
This product may cause gastrointestinal distress to bird and mammals through ingestion during pelage grooming. Ecotoxicity
effects: The 96 hour LC50 of a water accommodated fraction (WAF) of mineral spirits is >1,000 mg/l in rainbow trout.
13. Disposal considerations:
Disposal should be done in accordance with Federal (40CFR Part 261), State and Local regulations. Before attempting clean-up,
refer to hazard caution information in other sections of the MSDS. Use licensed hazardous waste disposal concern.
14. Transporation Information:
U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) Hazard Class:
Not regulated (In containers less than 119 gallons via surface transportation) Per CFR 49 173.150(8).
15. Regulatory Information:
Information on the maximum volatile organic compound (VOC) content of individual products appears on product labels.
SARA 302 Threshold Planning Quantity: Non Applicable
SARA 304 Reportable Quantity: Not Applicable
SARA TITLE III-Section 311/312 Hazard Classes:
Immediate/Acute Health Effects: Yes
Delayed/Chronic Health Effects: No
Fire Hazard: Yes
Sudden Release of Pressure Hazard: No
Reactivity Hazard: No
EPA/TSCA Inventory: The components of this product are listed on the EPA/TSCA inventory of chemicals.
The components of this product are listed on the Canadian (DSL) Domestic Substance List.
The components of this product are listed on the European Inventory of Existing Commercial Substances.