Ceiling Cassette Installation Manual

4. Connect the two louver control cables to their corresponding sockets in the control box.
Connect the
louver motor
Connect the
louver motor
Control box
1-Loosen upper nut
2-Adjust lower nut
Gap not allowed
5. Remove the foam stops from inside the fan.
6. Attach and hang the inner panel from the panel main body.
7. Connect the display cable to the corresponding cable on the unit.
8. Close the inner panel.
9. Fasten the installation covers at all four corners by sliding them inwards.
10. Ensure that there is no space between the unit and panel. Any gaps may allow air to leak through
and cause condensation leaks. If necessary, the height can be adjusted by loosening the upper
nut, and adjusting the lower nut at each of the corners. Make sure the internal wiring and drain
pipe are not affected by this adjustment.