User's Manual

About This Guide
This guide provides information required to successfully demonstrate the capabilities of
the D2120 Evaulation Kit. It provides various pinout and connector information for
attaching sensors to a mote Evaluation Module and instructions for setting up a network.
Related Documents
The following documents are available for a SmartMesh Network:
D2120 Evaluation Kit Quick Start Guide (this guide)
SmartMesh Manager Application Programming Interface (API) Guide
Mote Integration Guide
SmartMesh Network Planning Guide
SmartMesh Network Administration Guide
Conventions Used
The following conventions are used in this guide:
Computer type indicates information that you enter, such as specifying a URL.
Bold type indicates buttons, fields, and menu commands.
Italic type is used to introduce a new term.
dNote: Notes provide more detailed information about concepts.
bCautions: Cautions advise you about actions that might result in a loss of data.
cWarning! Warnings advise you about actions that may cause physical harm to the
hardware or your person.