User's Manual

8 Dust Networks ETERNA2 Regulatory User Guide
This sequence enables testing of:
Effective Isotropic Radiated Power (EN 300 328)
Maximum Spectral Power Density (EN 300 328, FCC 15.247(e))
Frequency Range / Band Edge (EN 300 328 / FCC 15.247(d))
Transmitter Conducted Spurious Emissions Operating (EN 300 328, FCC 15.247(d))
Transmitter Radiated Spurious Emissions Operating (EN 300 328, FCC 15.247(d))
AC Conducted Emissions (FCC 15.207)
Bandwidth (FCC 15.247(a)(2), RSS 210 99% Bandwidth)
RF Power Output (FCC 15.247(b)(3))
After completing tests that require radiotest commands (tx and rx) use the radiotest off command to return the device to it’s
normal state:
> radiotest off
Reset or power cycle ETERNA2.
NOTE: If testing encompasses measuring ETERNA2’s output power or PSD, Power Spectral Density, over a range of
voltages, the radiotest off command must be issued every time the voltage to ETERNA2 is changed to ensure accurate
output power measurements. During product operation ETERNA2, dynamically adjusts its regulation to it’s power amplifier,
based upon the supply voltage to keep the supply to the PA constant. The radiotest tx cm and radiotest tx
cw commands do not dynamically adjust the power to the PA, only taking a single measurement when the command is
WARNING: It is possible to permanently damage ETERNA2, by initiating a radiotest tx cm or radiotest tx
cw command at a low voltage and susiquently raising the voltage without issuing a radiotest off command.
4.4 Transmitter Carrier Tests
Testing ETERNA2’s carrier frequency accuracy can be done by enabling ETERNA2’s radio to continuously transmit an
unmodulated signal using the following sequence:
Power up ETERNA2 and connect to the CLI port. Enter the following command
> radiotest on
Reset or power cycle ETERNA2 and enter the following command
> radiotest tx cw <chanMask> <power>
Where <chanMask> would nominally be set to 0x0001 (low) , 0x0080 (mid) or 0x4000 (high) and <power> to 8, the
highest output power setting used in the OEM product.
After completing tests that require radiotest commands (tx and rx) use the radiotest off command to return the device to it’s
normal state:
> radiotest off
Reset or power cycle ETERNA2.