User's Manual

Table Of Contents
. Commands 0x89 and 0x8A Get Parameter Request/Response
The Get Parameter command allows a number of configuration parameters in the mote to be read by serial. When a Get
Parameter Request command is sent, the response to the request is sent within the diag_ack_timeout of 100 ms. The command
structure for individual parameter types can be found in section
7.3.4. The length of payload 'n' depends on the parameter type
and is specified in that section. If the error code is not equal to 0, then no data is returned in the response. Error codes are
described in
Table 30. Command 0x8C Mote Information
The mote sends this packet on bootup, supplying information about mote properties. For details on bootup, see
Table 22 Command 0x88 Set Parameter Response
Msg Byte Description Data Type Value
1 Cmd Type UChar 0x88
2 UChar Parameter Type
3 UChar Error code
3+1 UChar Data Length (0x00)
Table 23 Command 0x89 Get Parameter Request
Msg Byte Description Data Type Value
1 Cmd Type UChar 0x89
2 UChar Parameter Type
3 Data (Transparent to mote) n bytes of data
3+1 Data (Transparent to mote) *
3+... Data (Transparent to mote) *
Table 24 Command 0x8A Get Parameter Response
Msg Byte Description Data Type Value
1 Cmd Type UChar 0x8A
2 UChar Parameter Type
3 UChar Error code
4 UChar Data Length
5 Data (Transparent to mote)
n bytes of data (If Error Code != 0)
5+1 Data (Transparent to mote) *
5+... Data (Transparent to mote) *
5+n Data (Transparent to mote) *
Table 25 Command 0x8C – Mote Information
Msg Byte Description Data Type Value
1 Cmd Type UChar 0x8C
2-4 HW model Array of 3 UChar HW model
5-6 HW revision Array of 2 UChar HW revision
7-10 SW revision Array of 4 UChar SW revision
11-18 MAC address Array of 8 UChar MAC addr
19 Networking type UChar 2 = 2.4 GHz network
20-21 Network ID UShort Network ID