
Low Cut Filters (80Hz, 20Hz, 150Hz)
Pan Switches (Left, Center, Right)
Channel Faders (Volume Controls)
Meters (-20 to +3dBv, Green, Amber, Red)
Headphone Monitor (Direct, Tape return)
Headphone Volume (Min to Max)
Oscillator Switch
Power Switch (Internal Battery, Off, External Power)
Input Level Switch: Line Level (0dB Gain), Dynamic Mic (60dB Gain),
Condenser Mic (45dB Gain)
48PH Switch (Applies 48V Phantom Power for 48PH Mics)
Input XLR Female Connector
Output XLR Male Connector
Output Level Switch: Line Level (0dB) Consumer Line level (-10dB)
Microphone Level (-40dB)
3.5MM Headphone Jack
3.5MM Tape Return Jack