User Manual

5. Tap Time.
l. a. Tap / under the Hour and Minute settings to set the time values.
m. Tap to apply the changes made.
6. Tap Day/Night.
n. Check this box to enable automatic day/night backlight settings
o. / Set the day start and day end times
p. Tap to apply the changes mode.
For more information on the rest of the system configuration options, go to
SSyysstteemm ccoonnffiigguurraattiioonn
Congratulations! Your new SCOUT 355(B) is now ready for use. Proceed to
SSCCOOUUTT 335555((BB)) ffuunnddaammeennttaallss
for more
information on the devices user interface to start using the device in navigation mode.
First things first
SCOUT 355(B) setup