User Manual

This chapter describes basic hardware procedures in using the SCOUT 355(B). Information on the devices command
interface is also discussed.
Hardware interface
UUssiinngg tthhee ttoouucchh ssccrreeeenn bbaacckklliigghhtt
Under some lighting conditions, viewing the information on the device maybe difficult. If this is the case use the
backlight to illuminate the touch screen.
TToo aaccttiivvaattee tthhee ttoouucchh ssccrreeeenn bbaacckklliigghhtt::
Press and hold the power button until the backlight turns on.
TToo ttuurrnn ooffff tthhee ttoouucchh ssccrreeeenn bbaacckklliigghhtt::
Press and hold the power button until the backlight turns off.
Using the SD slot
SCOUT 355(B) has an SD slot compatible with a range of SD storage card that you can use to back up or transfer
files and data.
Also, the SCOUT 355(B)s GPS navigation system has its core on the Destinator OP program. Using this program
requires that users load the digital maps available in the Destinator OP SD card included with the device.
TToo iinnsseerrtt aa ssttoorraaggee ccaarrdd::
Hold the device securely, and then push the card into the slot until you hear an audible system sound; this will
signal that the card is already properly seated within the slot. The card is secure when it is not protruding from
the slot.
SCOUT 355(B) fundamentals
Hardware interface