User Manual

Emergency events
It is your responsibility to disregard any unsafe, hazardous or illegal route suggestions. Your judgment and common
sense shall take precedence over any information that may be received through the use of your device.
Operating precautions
DDeevviiccee uussaaggee pprreeccaauuttiioonnss
Do not use your device anywhere it may be exposed to water or in conditions of high humidity.
Do not expose the device to extreme temperatures, which could occur in a vehicle under direct sunlight. Such
exposure can shorten the life of the device, damage the plastic housing and/or battery, and increase the risk of explosion.
Do not subject your device to sudden and severe temperature changes. This could result in moisture condensation
in the device that could cause damage to the device. In the event of moisture condensation, allow the device to
dry out completely.
Do not leave the device unattended on an automobile dashboard. When your vehicle is parked and the device is
not in use, protect it from theft and extreme heat by storing it in an unobtrusive location, away from direct sunlight.
The device is not a toy. Never allow children to play with the device.
Never touch the liquid that might leak from a broken liquid crystal display. Contact with this liquid could cause a skin
rash. If the crystal display liquid should come into contact with the skin or clothing, wash it immediately with clean water.
Never raise the sound volume level too high when using the device with earphones. An excessive sound volume
level could cause damage to your hearing.
CCaarr mmoouunntt pprreeccaauuttiioonnss
Some countries prohibit the mounting of any electronic device in any location on the vehicle dashboard. Be sure
to check the local laws for applicable mounting before installing the car mount.
Some newer vehicle models may have a heat reflective shield embedded in the windshield. This may in some
cases obstruct the GPS signal reception. If you encounter this problem in the vehicle, you need to purchase an
external GPS antenna.
System maintenance and user support
Using your SCOUT 355(B) safely