User Manual

AL2 Alarm 2 function: Select 0FF, Lo, Hi, HiLo, SF, 0t, or SF0t. Factory default is Lo.
0FF Alarm 2 is disabled. No Alarm 2 menu items appear in the
Secondary or Secure menus.
Lo Low Alarm Only. A2Lo appears in the Secondary Menu.
Hi High Alarm Only. A2Hi appears in the Secondary Menu.
HiLo High and Low Alarms. Both A2Lo and A2Hi appear in the Secondary
Menu, and share the same Alarm 2 Relay output.
SF Seal Failure ONLY will trigger Alarm.
0t Over Temperature Failure ONLY will trigger Alarm
SF0t Both Seal Failure and Over Temperature Failure will trigger Alarm.
With the Alarm Function settings on
0FF, SF, 0t, SF0t certain alarm related menu items
will disappear as those menu items do not apply.
A2t Alarm 2 Type: Select AbS or dE. Factory default is AbS.
AbS Absolute Alarm that may be set anywhere within the values of SCAL
and SCAH and is independent of SP1H.
dE Deviation Alarm that may be set as an offset from SP1H. As SP1H
is changed the Alarm Point will track with SP1H.
A2rE Alarm 2 Reset: Select 0n0F or HoLd Factory default is 0n0F.
0n0F Automatic Reset.
HoLd Manual Reset. Reset (acknowledge) by simultaneously pressing the
INDEX & DOWN ARROW keys for 5 seconds.
A2Pi Alarm 2 Power Interrupt: Select 0n or 0FF. Factory default is 0FF.
0n Alarm Power Interrupt is On.
0FF Alarm Power Interrupt is OFF.
A2iH Alarm 2 Inhibit: Select 0n or 0FF. Factory default is 0FF
0n Alarm Inhibit is On. Alarm action is suspended until the process
value first enters a non-alarm condition.
0FF Alarm Inhibit is OFF.
A2St Alarm 2 Output State: Select CL0S or 0PEn. Factory default is CL0S.
CL0S Closes Contacts at Alarm Set Point.
0PEn Opens Contacts at Alarm Set Point.
A2LP Alarm 2 Lamp: Select 0onor 0oFF. Factory default is 0on.
0on Alarm Lamp is ON when alarm contact is closed.
0oFF Alarm Lamp is OFF when alarm contact is closed.
Alarm 2 time Delay: Select
1 to 8000
seconds. Factory default is
0FF Alarm function will operate when triggered at programmed Alarm
Set Point.
Alarm function will only operate once the programmed time has
elapsed after the alarm was triggered by the Alarm Set Point.
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