Owner's Manual

Workout Views
Once the workout has started, after the short countdown the console will appear in its workout
mode. Warm-up and cool-down phases may be skipped by pressing Skip.
The panel on the left is fixed and shows your current WORKOUT STATS. More related stats
can be revealed by pressing on the + icon. SPEED AND INCLINE CONTROLS can be
adjusted by tapping on arrows in the right panel. The icons on the top panel are the tools
available during your workout: volume, fan and WiFi. When the workout is paused, you can
also access HR device pairing settings.
The bottom panel is with 3 views from the left to the right:
GOAL VIEW displays the parameter that defines your workout finish (for example, for
profile programs it is time counting down; for distance programs it is distance left).
PROFILE VIEW shows your workout profiles and your current position in them.
TRACK VIEW helps to imagine yourself making laps on a 1/4 mile track and shows your
progress depending on distance covered.
INTERNET and SCREEN MIRRORING work the same way as in non-workout mode. To
pause or finish the workout, press Stop on the bottom right corner.
Goal View:
Profile View: