Owner manual

gluing one small section at a time. Hold the fuselage
in one hand and bend the bottom block until a
section is aligned with the side, then squeeze the
sides together. From the inside of the fuselage tack
glue this spot to the sides with thin CA. Proceed
down the length of the fuselage until it is tacked
along the entire length, fore and aft. Now wick thin
CA into all the joints where the bulkheads and
bottom block meet the sides. As you do so, firmly
squeeze the sides together to assure a tight joint.
TIP: It is best to put some wax paper on the outside
of the fuselage when you do this as it is surprisingly
easy to glue your fingers to the sides. Also, make
sure you are in a well ventilated area as you will
likely create a small cloud of vapors.
14. Glue the nose block to the front of the
fuselage with epoxy. The block rests on the front
edge of the bottom block and the front of the sides.
Epoxy the top front block to the top of the fuselage
sides. This block is glued to the front of the sides, not
between them as the bottom block is.
15. Do not glue the top rear block on until the fin
and control linkages are fitted.
1. Carefully mark the location of the hole for the
bellcrank pivot shaft on the side of the fuselage. Drill
this hole with a 5/32" drill at a right angle with the
fuselage centerline. Prepare two 1/2" x 1/2" shims
from leftover 1/16" balsa and glue them on the
inside of each fuselage side over the 5/32" hole with
CA. Drill through the holes again with the 5/32" drill.
Insert the shaft in one fuselage side, through the
bellcrank and then into the other side. Check that the
bellcrank moves freely on the shaft, and then glue the
shaft in place with 6-minute epoxy. This is best done
by putting the glue into the hole from the outside of
the fuselage sides. It is OK to get glue on the inside of
the shaft, but not on the outside. Do not let any glue
get into the bellcrank area. After the glue cures check
that the bellcrank still moves freely. If the bellcrank
should touch the fuselage bottom block cut a small
area out to clear the bellcrank.
2. Thread the nylon swivel clevis half-way onto the
2-56 x 1" threaded rod. Screw the steel clevis onto the
other end until they are both touching. The distance
between the pin of the steel clevis and the hole in the
swivel clevis should be just under 1-3/4". Install the
metal clevis onto the last hole of the bellcrank.
3. Locate one of the wire pushrods and make a
Z-bend in one end. Insert the wire into a plastic tube
and then insert the Z-bend into the last hole on the
other end of the bellcrank. Insert the pushrod and
tube into the notches you cut in the fuselage
bulkheads on the left fuselage side. This will require
considerable flexing of the pushrod.
4. Drill a 1/8" hole in the left fuselage side for the
rudder pushrod. This hole should be located at the top
of the bottom fuselage block and should exit at about
the location of the lower bellcrank arm. Install the
plastic tube and make sure it does not interfere with
the bellcrank. Glue both pushrods to the bulkheads
and to the fuselage sides every three inches. Trim the
tube flush with the outside of the fuselage.