
Congratulations on your purchase of the Dynaudio Acoustics BM12A active
monitor system. With the right care and attention it will provide many years of
excellent and trouble free audio reproduction. It is most important, however, that
you take a few minutes at this early stage of your BM12A’s life, to read this
manual. It contains essential information to make you get the best from your new
Break-In time
The transducers of your BM12A monitor will achieve better sound quality after
breaking in. Especially after the first hours of use, you may notice a significant
advance in sound quality. Still after first few hours improvement take place, but
lesser noticeable.
The latest manual revision is always available at our website:
For support please also refer to: www.dynaudioacoustics.com
Please enjoy
BM 12a.qxp 15-01-2007 22:25 Page 4