User Manual

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Dynaudio LYD Series Personal Reference Monitor DSP settings
Bass extension
Low frequencies take an exponentially larger
amount of energy to reproduce than high fre-
quencies. That is why the bass extension setting
affects how loud the speaker will respond.
At its lowest setting (-10 Hz), the low frequen-
cy range is extended by 10Hz. This will also
reduce the maximum volume that the speaker
can achieve. The default setting of 0 Hz limits the
range of low bass while increasing the maximum
volume of the loudspeaker. The +10 Hz setting
has the least amount of bass extension but the
loudest volume possible from the loudspeaker.
-10 Hz (greatest low frequency extension, -
5 dB output)
0 Hz
+10 Hz (loudest output with least low
frequency extension, +5 dB output)
As most professional mixers tend to mix at rela-
tively low volumes (~70-85 dB SPL), the greatest
amount of bass extension (-10 Hz) can be used.
As you increase the playback volume, you may
need to reduce the amount of bass extension
in order to prevent overdriving the loudspeaker.
Dynaudio engineers have painstakingly created a DSP controller
for these speakers that lets you tailor the sound to your particular
environment. The DSP settings provide precision adjustments that
optimize the speakers for the listening space.
Sound balance
The sound balance, or tilt lter, represents
a rened way to affect the overall tone of the
speaker. Depending on the room treatment
among other factors, it may be necessary to make
the loudspeaker darker or brighter than the normal
setting. A dead sounding room with a great deal
of treatment might need a brighter setting than a
live room with many reective surfaces.
Sound Balance has three settings:
Bright (20 Hz -1,5dB, 20kHz +1,5dB)
Dark (20 Hz +1,5dB, 20 kHz -1,5 dB)
What this lter actually does is tilt the entire spec-
trum by 1,5 dB at either end using minimal phase
or linear phase lters to either brighten or darken
the overall response. This minimal lter alters the
tonality without inducing audible phase anomalies,
thereby maximizing the linearity of the loudspeaker.
If you have positioned your speakers within 50cm
of a back wall boundary, the position switch should
be placed in the “Wall” setting. This will help with
anomalies created by reections coming off the
back wall, especially in the lower frequencies. If
your speakers are placed further than 50cm from
any wall surface, use the “Free” setting.