
All equipment that is connected to the domestic mains voltage can be
dangerous to the user if not handled properly.
Regularly check the technical safety of the device.
If the mains cable or the housing is damaged or the
device has been stored for a long period in unsuit-
able conditions or the device has been exposed to
severe stresses during transportation or if it is no
longer working, then it is no longer possible to ope-
rate it without risk. The device must then be taken
out of use and secured against unintended switching
on again (take the mains plug out of the socket!).
Leave the maintenance to qualified staff. After a
fault only allow the device’s fuse to be replaced by
specialist staff with one of the same type.
The product is only authorised for connection to
230 Volt/50 Hz alternating current, with insulated
earth sockets and for use in closed rooms. The gua-
rantee claim is extinguished if any changes are
made to the device or its serial number.
Do not open the appliance!
Risk of electric shock!
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