
Dynavox works continually to improve and develop
its products. Therefore, the appearance and techni-
cal design of the appliance are subject to changes,
as long as they are in the interest of progress.
The content of these instructions is for information
purposes only. It can be changed at any time without
prior notice and does not constitute any obligation
on the part of the trademarks owner. The latter assu-
mes no responsibility or liability for errors or inaccu-
racies, which may be included in these operating
Dynavox is a registered trademark of Sintron
Distribution GmbH, 76473 Iffezheim.
This document is a product of Sintron Distribution
76473 Iffezheim and may not be copied or
distributed partly or in full without express, written
Minimum quality: highly sensitive audio amplifiers are apt to generate demodulation products in the vicinity
of rf sources.
E-SA18 MKBT_A6_quer_RZ_Okt.qxp_Layout 1 30.09.21 09:47 Seite 27