
AI0480 DCI4 USA OWNER_MAN.q.. pl 6/3/04 1:12 PM Page 8
,Turn power off and
unplug before emptying
the bim Failure to do so
could result in electric
shock or personal iniur 7.
oDo not use the machine
without the dear binTMin
The Brilish Allergy Foundat]ol_ considers
lhai lhis podu4 may in proper use
reduce exposure _ b_h House Dust
Mite (Der p 1 ) and Cai AIle_en (_1 d
1) li is s_rongly recommended thaf m sensitive person
should _ke care when emptying lhe cl÷ar bir_ W_
recommend the manufa_u_s' emptying indrucfions
should be s_rictly _llowed
Assessment carried oui by BAF indkute lhai an
individual's _×posure can be r÷duc_d 5ui lhis does n_
mean that an individual's dlegic syrnp_oms will
ner_ssalily diminish BAF's opinion applies only to the
products rand allergen s_ted The pT<_duct should
used only _r its intended purpose _nd s_ri_ly in
acroldance wiih fh_ manufa_urers' insirucfions at all
Exposur_ lo allergens can be dangerous If you believe
fhat you may surer from an allelgy you should seek
medical advice¸ The Bdiish AIle_y Foundafion is a
naliond charily (Charif/Reg No 100372_) _unded in
1991 with lhe dm of improving mwareness_ p_evenfion
and f_eaimeni of allergy
The Faundafion continually _s_rivesfo help sufbm4 s lo
hdp lhemselves_ often seeking lo mvold o_ r_dur_
_xposur÷ lo _levant allergens The Seal of Approval
scheme fodms a part of fhis iniiiafiw
i! ,,i!_ _
Empty the dear bin _"as soon
as the MAX mark is reachet
Press cyclone rdease button
to release cyclone from
Push the red, bin emptying
button as shown to rdease
the bin base and empty
directly into trask
Option B
Emptying in a bag is
recommended for allergy
sufferers. Place bin in bag
and push red bin emptying
button to rdease bin base_
Let the dust settle, dose
bin base securdy before _
removing from bag_
Close bin base securdy and
#ace back onto machine_